Catholic Land Exchange

The St. Isidore Foundation is in the process of launching a Catholic Land Exchange that we hope will encourage and facilitate the exchange of real estate (preferably farmland) between retiring landowners and aspiring nonprofits and farm families that pledge to support our mission.

Please follow the links above to read more about our mission, vision, ideals of land stewardship, the services we hope to offer, and what we will need to be able to offer such services.

In the near future, we hope to host a website wholly dedicated to Catholic Land Exchange. Indeed, as we begin and expand this endeavor, we hope to increase and improve the means by which those interested in our services can Contact Us and members of the community we seek to foster. In our initial development stage, we ask that those interested in our services simply send us an email. If you are someone who would like to transfer your land to a worthy family, please tell us about your land and what you would like to do with it and see done with it. If you are someone who would like to raise your family on some land but do not know how you could afford or manage to do so, please tell us about your ideal homestead, what goals you have for your family, and what questions you have about finding a place to live out those goals.