Plan of Life
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
– Psalm 90:12, KJV
At St. Isidore’s, we believe that how we order our lives contributes to how fully and successfully we live our lives. Consequently, we believe that the structure of our days, weeks, months, and years–liturgical as well as calendar years–is as important to our collegiate experience as our curriculum. Indeed, at least to some extent the plan of life is the primary concern of St. Isidore’s, for without a meaningful order to our days and seasons we cannot fully appreciate our curriculum.
Daily Schedule
At St. Isidore’s, our day begins, ends, and revolves around communal prayer. It also includes communal meals, communal work around the farm, and collegiate coursework in the classroom. And we still make time for private and communal study and liesure.
Weekly Schedule
Our weekly schedule includes daily chores; classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays; leisure and study on Wednesdays and Saturdays; rest on Sundays.