Online, Synchronous

Enrichment Courses and Webinars

Beginning in 2025, we plan to offer a number of short enrichment courses, spread over seven weeks and meeting weekly for a couple hours, covering topics ranging from authors and books relevant to our mission (such as Wendell Berry, specifically his fictional memoir Jayber Crow), to the practicalities of farming and homesteading, to the virtues cultivated by farmlife. We also plan to offer single-night webinars on such topics as milking a cow and raising backyard chickens. See our current schedule below, and click on the underlined titles to sign up for one or more of these events. You can also sign up for St. Isidore’s newsletters.

Introductory Webinar: Explanation and Justification for the St. Isidore Foundation
Tuesday, February 25th, 7-9pm eastern time
Join us for a discussion of why we want to found a collegiate farm program, the ultimate goals of the St. Isidore Foundation, and what programs we hope to offer in the meantime.

Inaugural Enrichment Course: Alchemy
Tuesdays, 7-9pm eastern time, March 18th through April 29th [dates and time subject to change]
Join Dr. Daniel Barr (PhD in chemistry) and Dr. Matthew Brumit (PhD in literature) as they discuss alchemy. Here’s Dr. Barr’s description of the course: Were you aware that the resurrection of Jesus anchored belief in the philosopher’s stone? Would you believe that modern chemists have reproduced a surprising number of medieval alchemist’s experiments? Have you thought about how living your life with intentionality impacts the outcomes you experience? Did you know that there are still practicing alchemists today? Come explore all these questions and more in our seminar-style course on alchemy experienced in science and literature, and be prepared to leave with a new approach to your daily life and a deeper sense of your place within the world at large.

Webinar: Baking (bread, scones, sourdough, etc.)
Thursday, March 6th, 7-9pm
Join us as we discuss bread and all things baking: why we like baking our own bread, simple recipes, etc. We started buying simple bread (made with only the necessary ingredients) back in Texas. Around the same time, a friend brought a homemade yeast bread to our house for a communal meal, and we followed her recipe for years (and still use it on occasion). By the time we were in North Dakota, Matt started making scones, and Amanda got into royal icing cookies (both of which we sold at the local farmer’s market). Since then, we’ve branched out into sourdough a bit (though we’re far from experts on that front). We’ll answer questions about baking to the best of our abilities, see what others have to say about their own experiences with baking, and share a few of our favorite recipes (including one for a “fasting bread” that’s great for Lent).

Webinar: Celebrating (the Vigil of) the Feast of Our Patron St. Isidore of Seville
Thursday, April 3rd, 7-9pm eastern time
Join us for a celebration of the feast day of our patron St. Isidore of Seville, who wrote a fascinating book called the Etymologies in an effort to provide the Christian faithful (especially priests) with a single-volume introduction to just about everything (beginning with the liberal arts and progressing to everything from rocks to angels).

Webinar: Celebrating the Feast of Our Patron St. Isidore the Farmer
Thursday, May 15th, 7-9pm eastern time
Join us for a celebration of the feast day of our patron St. Isidore the Farmer (aka St. Isidore the Laborer), known for his life of work and prayer and for various miracles, such as having angels help him cultivate the fields.